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Folder Compare Mac版(文件比較)

  • 軟件介紹

Folder Compare Mac是一款文件比較工具,軟件功能強大,操作簡單。很多Mac用戶在進行文件備份、整理時,都會對類似的文件夾進行對比,Folder Compare Mac可以幫助mac用戶從文件夾名稱、大小等方面進行比較,方便用戶整理??梢蕴岣哒淼男剩?jié)約不少的時間。有需要的朋友,歡迎到蘋果商店下載體驗。當前售價30元。

Folder Compare Mac版(文件比較)


Folder Compare Mac版是一個功能強大、簡單易用的文件夾對比和更新工具,不僅支持本地文件夾,還支持FTP虛擬文件夾,文本文件的內(nèi)容差異。

Folder Compare Mac版可以對比兩個文件夾的文件名稱、修改時間、文件大小、屬性等,讓你在備份和文件整理工作中倍覺輕松。


Folder Compare is a tool which helps you to compare the difference between two folders or files with a very friendly and clean UI. It can also help you to merge your files.

With it you can manage your folders, documents and code source effectively. And at last, it's really easy to use.

Key features:

->Support compare both folders and files.

->Support compare sub directories automatically.

->Recode your comparison history. So you can start your comparison conveniently next time

->Optional comparison options. Comparing file's content, modify time and create time are supported.

->Show comparison result in a very friendly and clean UI. Different result is showed with different color.

->Compare or merge files with FileMerge directly if you have installed FileMerge.


版本 2.12 中的新功能

Fix some bugs.


  • PC版

